
giovedì 4 agosto 2011

News from Japan

It is with great emotion that I show you a photo received from a Japanese customer who bought my Shabby Bed: when she received it she was so happy that she immediately sent me a picture to show me how her creations suit so well with my miniature bed.

Her name is Mayumi, she makes beautiful quilts in 1/12 scale but, unfortunately, she has neither a blog nor a website so that you can admire them, so you'll have to settle for this one picture I have to show you!

I'm really happy to have met her (for now only on the internet) ... I hope, one day, to meet her in person: it is a very kind girl!

You know, She has created a 1/12 scale quilt especially for me! I will show you a picture when I will receive it!

Thank you very much Mayumi!

8 commenti:

  1. WOW!!! Those quilts are just fantastic!!! Lucky you to have such a friend that has made one for you. I look forward to seeing it when it arrives.

  2. Felicidades porque es preciosa!!!!!!!Besos.

  3. Everything in the picture is just so beautiful!!! Your friend's quilt is amazing along with those adorable pillows and doll. =)

  4. Wow, this is adorable! She is really a master in making quilts! Jeannette

  5. Thanks to all for your wonderful messages: I knew you would enjoy her quilt!

    I really hope that, reading those comments, she will decide to start a blog:her quilts are really beautiful, unique too, it's a shame she do not show them to anyone!

  6. oooo myyyyyyyyyyyyy they are precious!!! and go so well on the bed :D Linda x

  7. Enhorabuena es una verdadera preciosidad!!!
    Feliz fin de semana
    besitos ascension

  8. Son fantásticos, una preciosidad. Me alegro muchísimo de que hayas encontrado a alguien así. Felicidades :-)
    Un beso.
