
domenica 10 agosto 2014

{ I'm back }

Hi girls!

I'm new here, finally.
Several months have passed since my last post.
Months of silence in which I have been through difficult times and during which miniatures have been my last thought. In fact, I almost did not think about it, I did not have the time.
In the last post I spoke of the workshop that I held on the occasion of Miniaturitalia, which I do not attended: two days before I learned that my mother had to undergo surgery to remove a synovial cyst at the level of the spine (on Friday morning, the day before the show).
For months this cyst prevented her from sitting down ... she lived standing up the whole day ... even sleeping was difficult.
They were the worst months of my life, passed between a doctor and another, between one examination and the other before we can figure out what it was.
The operation was delicate and lasted much longer than expected: the synovial cyst was anchored to the nerve, so a wrong move by the surgeon would have risked compromising the movement capability.
Luckily everything went well, but it took months to recover.
Now is much better, although it will still take a bit 'of time before she recovers completely.
I think you can understand the state of mind in which I found myself until recently and the fact that I no longer have written on the blog, not even to warn you that I would not exhibit at the miniature show ...
I am very sorry but I did not want to leave her alone, especially given that the intervention was risky ...
From this month of August, I started to have an interest in miniatures, that the imagination and the desire to create are back.
In recent months there has also been another big change in my life.
I lost my job in November 2012 and by January 2014 I began working by myself as a Nutritionist.
It's a job that excites me, but at the moment it leave little space for my creativity.
I'm also working on my house (the real one), in which I opened my own studio.
In short, I think you understand that for me is a time of change and rebirth!
I thank all the friends that I have been close to me: it is thanks to them that I'm back here on the blog ...
Now you may wonder what I'm up to these days, as I have told you that it is from this month that I started to be interested again in miniatures ... 

Well, at the moment I'm concentrating on the renovation of my house (the miniature one): I no longer liked the color chosen for the exterior and even the interior design. The furniture I liked yet, but their style certainly not.
Also, having turned my room into a professional studio, (I have changed the style ... now everything is in perfect white Nordic style!), I thought I had to give a new look to the house: I like to keep it in the studio! 

So I repainted the façade (from pink it has become white) and started to repaint also the single rooms, but I will show you some photos later.
In the meantime, I'm thinking to change a little my blog ... I would like to renew it a bit' ... and I should also get back to work to carry out some orders received months ago ... 

    So if you want to come back to follow me, know this will make me really happy: I miss you!
    Mini hugs,

11 commenti:

  1. I 'm glad to hear you've found your way to a new career and your mother has recovered. You must have been terribly worried. I look forward to seeing what you do on your sweet little house!

  2. La vraie vie passe avant notre passion, je vous souhaite ainsi qu'à votre maman de merveilleux moments pour le présent et l'avenir !
    La transformation de votre maison mini commence bien. A bientôt ! rosethé

  3. Glad to see you are back and looking forward to the changes to the house.

  4. It is good to hear your interest in miniatures is returning after a testing time. The house looks great white and it seems the mini house and your blog will undergo a few changes just as you have. Best wishes for your job as a nutritionist. I believe that would be a very rewarding occupation.

  5. welcome back and what a rollercoaster you've been on... that must have been so hard and totally understandable that mini's were the last on your list. I'm so happy for you that your mom's procedure went well, that must have been nervewrecking! I hope you do get a bit more time for mini's, the new colour of your house looks very good! Take care and good luck with everything!

  6. Bienvenida al mundo mini de nuevo ! Comprendo lo duros que han sido estos meses, la salud es lo primero que nos altera de verdad la vida, me alegra mucho que tu madre haya podido mejorar, aunque le falte todavía recuperarse del todo. Bien por ese trabajo emprendedor ! que tengas mucha suerte. La fachada ha mejorado muchisimo con esa mano de pintura. Mariajo

  7. welcome back, you have had a very hard time, I am so pleased your mother is recovering and everything went well, they say when one door closes another one opens, and in your case, losing your job led you to go it alone, I wish you every success in your new venture and look forward to seeing your miniature creations, take care x

  8. Bentornata Elena, sono soprattutto felice di sapere che la tua mamma sta bene.
    Divertiti con le ristrutturazione, grandi e piccole, e in bocca al lupo per la tua vita.
    Un abbraccio, Rosanna

  9. Fais une grosse bise à ta maman de ma part, je suis triste d'apprendre ce qu'elle a enduré, durant autant de temps… et j'espère vous revoir ensemble (avec ton papa) à un prochain salon, à Paris.
    Le renouveau s'annonce bien pour toi, si, en plus, tu trouves un peu de temps pour miniaturiser, tout va rentrer dans l'ordre et tu vas retrouver un bel équilibre créatif. Je te le souhaite ! ♥ Bises, Léa

  10. We never know what someone is going through in their lives do we, I hope your mother is recovering well. I love the makeovers you have done with just a coat of paint, interior and exterior. Good luck with all your endeavours.
