First...thank you Kate, with you I have reached 350 Followers !
I'm excited like the first day, the first 24 hours of my blog opening, when the first followers were beginning to register. Day by day, month to month increased, giving me special moments. Most of youare peolple who I don't know personally, but believe me, it's as if we really knew.
I often take a look at my blog to see if there are new Comments, new Followers, some new Fan on Facebook...and every time I smile as a child. It's all so beautiful, so special, so unique: to feel so close to persons without even knowing them. Don't you think it's magical ?!
That said, I have to demonstrate you my gratitude with a Giveaway !
You are always there, you were close to me when I was down because of my eyes, you shared with me so many moments...let me share with you this one too...
...I don't know yet what I will do, but I will try to create something special...I will let you know as soon as possible what you have to do to participate...give me time to get organized...
In the meantime...
...thanks so much to All !!
Little Kisses,