lunedì 24 dicembre 2012
Merry Christmas
Hello girls!
It 's been a long time since my last post and I do not know how to make me forgive ...
As I mentioned long ago, I opened a second blog dedicated to weddings and events.
In fact, I'm trying to achieve my dream. It something I wanted to do for some time and I never thought that I would be "forced" to do so.
Then cross your fingers for me future depends on this second blog!
I take this opportunity to let you my most affectionate wishes for a Merry Christmas ... that brings you what you want most!
A big hug,
Ciao ragazze!
E' passato diverso tempo dal mio ultimo post e non so come farmi perdonare...
Come vi avevo accennato tempo fa, ho aperto un secondo blog dedicato ai matrimoni ed agli eventi in genere.
Sto infatti cercando di realizzare il mio sogno. E' una cosa che volevo fare da tempo e non avrei mai pensato che sarei stata "costretta" a farlo.
Incrociate quindi le dita per me...da questo secondo blog dipende il mio futuro.
Ne approfitto per farvi I miei piú affettuosi auguri di Buon Natale...che vi porti ciò che piú desiderate!
Un forte abbraccio,
domenica 21 ottobre 2012
Today I finally had time to update my etsy shop with some special item: who follows my blog knows that I promised Five Days to 50% discount on every item!
In order to get the discount you must enter this code before you confirm your purchase:
martedì 9 ottobre 2012
Hello girls!
These days I have been so taken in organizing a wedding that I was not able to update the blog ... I am now fallen to read the latest comments and so I found that I reached 501 followers!
THANK YOU SO MUCH girls, without you I would not have succeeded!!!
I guess you are curious to know what my 500 Followers' Crazy Idea is !
Well ... you saw the picture on top of the post?
My crazy idea is a 50% DISCOUNT on all items in my etsy shop, for 5 DAYS!
But wait, so I will add some other item ! I'll tell you, with a post, which coupon code to use to get the discount, ok?!
Mini hugs,
Ciao ragazze!
In questi giorni sono stata cosí presa nell'organizzazione di un matrimonio che non ho avuto modo di aggiornare il blog...sono passata ora a leggere gli ultimi commenti ed ho cosí scoperto che ho raggiunto 501 sostenitori!
GRAZIE DI CUORE ragazze, senza di voi non ci sarei riuscita!!!
Immagino siate curiose di sapere cosa sia la mia pazza idea raggiunti I 500 sostenitori!
Beh...avete visto l'immagine in testa al post?
La mia pazza idea é uno SCONTO del 50% su tutti gli articoli nel mio negozio etsy, per 5 GIORNI !!!
Aspettate quindi che io carichi qualche altro articolo (vi chiedo di avere ancora un po' di pazienza) vi comunicheró, con un post, il codice promozionale da usare per ottenere lo sconto!
domenica 23 settembre 2012
A Special Gift
Hello girls!
Forgive the long absence, but I stopped all work on the house to dedicate a gift for a very special wedding.
As you can see from the pictures it is a birds cage turned to a roombox.
I tried to create a small garden corner with a lot of objects loved by the bride and the groom ...
... a garden table with two chairs, a basket of hydrangeas (a big work of art made by my dear friend Genziana), a crock turtle (by Roberta Eurosia), a heart shaped blackboard, a lilac tray with heart-shaped plates , a bucket containing many plaster hearts and the initials of their names, a sport bike (not shown in the picture) ...
In short ... a celebration of romance! A small "tea for two" because it combines the passions of the bride (hearts, turtles, purple color) and groom (the racing bike).
Soon I will show you more pictures, in the meantime I get back to work on the house!
Mini hugs,
Ciao ragazze!
Perdonatemi la lunga assenza, ma ho interrotto I lavori alla casetta per dedicarmi ad un regalo per un matrimonio molto speciale.
Come potete vedere dalle foto si tratta di una gabbia per gli uccellini trasformata in roombox.
Ho cercato di creare un piccolo angolino di giardino con degli oggetti che piacciono molto alla sposa ed allo sposo...
...un tavolino da giardino con due sedie, un cesto di ortensie (opera della mia carissima amica Genziana), una tartarughina di coccio (di Roberta Eurosia), una lavagna a forma di cuore, un vassoio lilla con piattini a forma di cuore, un secchio contenente tanti cuori di gesso e le iniziali dei loro nomi ed una bicicletta sportiva...
...insomma un tripudio di romanticismo! Un piccolo "te per due" che racchiude in se le passioni della sposa (I cuori, le tartarughe, il colore lilla) e dello sposo (la bicicletta da corsa, che non si vede nella foto).
Presto vi mostreró altre foto, nel frattempo torno a lavorare alla casetta!
venerdì 17 agosto 2012
My New Project, Day 3
I'm back with some updates.
So, in my last post my little house finally had rectangular doors and windows, an opening on one side to create an extra room and I had many ideas in my head to realize.
Let me tell you what other changes has been ... I'm literally transforming it, now you'll see!
And now here he looks great in my new house ... it seems to be perfectly suited to my project, isn't it?
So I decided it would be best to put it all and I completely change the internal structure of the house.
I am satisfied ... rustic walls cream-colored, tiled flooring painted hot gray (I have yet to finish it) and a raised base of the chimney painted the same color as the floor.
Now I have to finish the floor then I can dedicate to the construction of the extra room (there I will put the kitchen) and to the finishing of the external walls of the house.
Mini Hugs,
sabato 11 agosto 2012
My New Project, Day 2
Then, I finally started working on my new project ... and I already have it finished, but the fact that this kit is designed for children causes me no little difficulty ... is poor in detail and I do not like it.
Never mind, it will mean that if I will succeed in my goal the satisfaction will be greater!
Before showing you the first stages of work and sharing with you my ideas to transform this house though, I want to thank you for the messages you have left and, especially, for the trust you place in me!
Thank you so much girls ... I hope not to disappoint your expectations!
And now we come to the house.
As I said in my previous post, it's a kit ...these are the parts I have to assemble ...
I do not like the patio too, but don't know, fot the time being, how to transform it...
So if before the house looked like this ...
As you can see from the pictures I made another change.
The house is rather small, also the inner walls bounding the spaces even more ... the ground floor has a partition wall that does not allow to exploit the space well. Furthermore, the staircase leading to first floor should be exactly opposite the door.
So I am not satisfied.
Is this a good idea?
Well, now I can go back to work ... I hope to have some news to show you soon!
Mini Hugs,
Non mi piace neppure la veranda ma al momento non so ancora come modificarla...
lunedì 6 agosto 2012
A New Project
Finally came the holidays and I can devote more time to miniatures. I have some back order and many projects that I have to work on.
One of these is a 1/12 sale dollhouse.
I bought it about two years ago in a shop and I discovered some time after that is a copy (of poor quality) of the Arthur House by Greenleaf.
My house will not be as big as the real one, but this will inspire me to finish the outside ... I really like the stones in sight and the shutters of pale colour.
Unfortunately the house is very small so it will be difficult to furnish it ... I'm looking for some ideas in the various magazines I purchased.
I have an uncontrollable passion for all 1:1 décor magazines: I have so many magazines that I have to collect the pages that interest me most in large notebooks that are closed with the elastic (because when I pasted pictures they are hard to close!) ... I wonder if I can find some great ideas for my new house.
Mini hugs,
lunedì 23 luglio 2012
Waiting for my 500 Followers
Hi Girls!
First of all thanks a lot for your help...I now have 480 Followers and that's the result of your are really kind!
Well, for thanking you for the help, I've decided to tell you more about my Crazy Idea...look at the picture!
Mini Hugs,
Ciao ragazze!
Prima cosa grazie di cuore per il vostro aiuto...ho raggiunto i 480 Followers e questo é merito vostro.
Ho quindi deciso che, per ringraziarvi, vi diró qualcosa in piú sulla mia Pazza Idea...guardate l'immagine!
martedì 17 luglio 2012
My first post from my Smartphone !
Hi girls!
I'm writing you from my Smartphone...I hope it works well!
I would like to advise you I have updated my Etsy shop with some new item...the most special one is the Italian Truck: the Apecar...have a look!
Mini Hugs,
Ciao ragazze!
Questo é il primo post che scrivo dal mio smartphone...spero funzioni! Volevo soltanto avvisarvi che ho aggiunto qualche articolo nel mio negozietto su etsy...troverete anche un'Apecar...che potrete acquistare e decorare secondo i vostri gusti...presto saranno disponibili altri colori!
mercoledì 4 luglio 2012
Coming back from the Simp...
Sorry for the slowness with which I update my blog, but as you can imagine, I came back from Paris very tired. I always arrive at fairs twisted: I work until the last day, so when I get home I need a few days of rest.
What does not help me are the high temperatures ... which now seems to have eased a bit '... it becomes impossible to do anything ... including I apologize to people who are waiting for some creation of mine: as I said I would work on it after the Simp, but unfortunately the heat knocked me ... forgive me!
And now we come to us: the Simp.
As you can well imagine it was confirmed a successful show! Unfortunately I can not tell you anything about the exhibitors because I had little time to visit ... thanks to Adriana, Patricia, Roberta and Rosanna, however, I was able to do give “little hello” to my friends ... Dentelles et Ribambelles, Le Coffre d 'Emilie, Paris Miniatures, Victoria Miniatures.
I also had the pleasure to get to know Betty Sartorio ... I always admired her sweet creations, but I never had the opportunity to chat with her ... it is also thanks to her if I managed to get away from my desk !
Among other things she was one of my first customers of the day ... look at this detail of his table: do you recognize something?
I take this opportunity to thank Vilia Miniature for the nice company during the train ride ... how many laughter!
Finally, I want to thank all those people who have come knowing me: I finally got to give a face to some follower of my blog ... my Crazy Idea has intrigued you a lot ...many of you asked me how many Followers I have reached!
It means that you like my the idea, also if I haven't explain you what it is... I am very happy for this!Now I want to tell a crazy thing that happened to Patrizia, Roberta and me in the center of Paris.
As tired from the trip, we could not give to see the Eiffel Tower, so after a hearty snack we headed to Trocadero. From there, walking, we headed to the foot of the Eiffel Tower ...
You never thought ... that right there, under the “symbol of Paris”, we would run into an Apecar Calessino (it's a special italian truck) ?!?! Well, even us, yet it has happened!
More on that, we also did a nice walk around the streets of Paris!!
It 's been fun and exciting especially if you think that a few months ago, along with other girls, we founded the Apecar's Club !
Finally, these two days were intense, made of laughter, spontaneity, serenity and sweetness ... that of croissants and macarons !!
Well, now I just have to get to work: if you remember I have a big project in mind that I would like to show you on my birthday (the 10 of December) ... it would be a nice way to celebrate with you!
Before that, though, I would like to reach 500 Followers: remember that only when I reached them I will reveal my Crazy Idea!!
martedì 12 giugno 2012
Not a giveaway but a Crazy Idea !!
I do a quick jump for a little post (I'm working hard for the Simp ... can not wait to show you my new creations!) to tell you an important new.
As you can see from the title of the post this is not a giveaway ... I thought to launch another one but then I got another idea.
To realize it I need to reach 500 Followers ... can you help me?
Yes?! Well, you could put a link on your blog if you have one, or a link on your Facebook page ... so the possibilities are different.
The important thing is that I reach 500 followers of my blog ...well, if you become also fan of my facebook page (find the link in the right column of my blog) I will be happier...
I can not say more, I will not reveal anything ... I say only that it will be a great surprise for you all so...come back soon visit my blog!
sabato 12 maggio 2012
I have decided...
A quick post to tell you that fast ... I decided to show some of the new items.
Some of you have written me to have some preview ... and it is unfair to keep you on hold so without giving you the chance to see my latest creations!

So, who can not come to see them live at Simp, can enjoy them comfortably seated in an sofa!
So ... click HERE ... and enjoy your visit!
Mini Hugs!
mercoledì 2 maggio 2012
Some News...
It's a bit of time since I last wrote a post...I'm sorry...but as you know I'm preparing for the Simp ( You know, I realize that I spend more time apologizing to you then keeping you updated on the news...I'm so mortified...
You may wonder what I'm doing ... since I'm so little present on on my blog (rarely I upgrade my shop on etsy for the same reasons ...sorry again) ... you'll wonder if it's worth waiting for ... yes, believe me it's worth!As you know I'm busy with the Apecar's Club...only to manage shipments takes so much time and energy (in the post office they are wondering what I'm doing ... I buy so many boxes ... all the parcels have the same weight ... well, when I have finished they will call home to see if I'm okay! ). To this I must add the fact that I'm helping a friend in the organization of her marriage ... which will take place the week before the miniature show in Paris ...
I can't tell you a lot you know I never show my new creation before a miniature exhibition...I can only say that the theme of the marriage I'm organizing gave me the idea for some new items.
Of course if I do not tell you which is the main theme of this marriage you are back to square one ...
All these are good informations that surely will give you a little idea of what will be my new theme.
However, what I really can not reveal is the other project I'm working on. A few posts ago I mentioned that I had a surprise for all of you, my readers ... it's a project that I kept locked in the drawer for a while ... but recently I decided to make it come true. I hope to finish it before my birthday ( if you remember, it's the 10th of December ) for me it would be a nice way to celebrate with all of you, believe me!
In short, you will not be disappointed, I promise!